Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia

von Simon A. Rego

Reihe: Advances in Psychotherapy – Evidence-Based Practice - Band 55

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Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia
ISBN: 9780889374058
2025, x/108 Seiten
Erscheint Februar 2025
ca. 24,95 €
inkl. USt.
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###BOLD#TEXT[How to make a lasting impact on the lives of those grappling with panic disorder and agoraphobia]###

  • Compact and current overview of science and practice
  • Outline of a 12-session treatment
  • Downloadable handouts for clinical practice

This indispensable volume in the ###ITALIC#TEXT[Advances in Psychotherapy]### series has been meticulously crafted to address the nuances of diagnosing, assessing, and treating panic disorder and agoraphobia, using the latest interventions derived from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Designed as a brief but comprehensive resource for treatment providers at all levels, this book gives a description of panic disorder and agoraphobia, reviews well-established, empirically derived theories and models, and guides readers through the diagnostic and treatment decision-making process before outlining a detailed 12-session treatment. Each chapter offers practical guidance, specialized insights, and adaptable strategies to tailor the treatment to individual patients. The step-by-step approach, detailed case vignette, and worksheets will enable practitioners to feel confident and competent in empowering clients to overcome their often debilitating fears and reclaim their lives. This is an ideal text for clinical psychologists, other mental health professionals, and students.

###BOLD#TEXT[Praise for the book]###

###ITALIC#TEXT["Dr. Simon Rego, one of the leading figures in the world in the practice of evidence-based cognitive behavioral treatments, has now produced a superb treatise on the nature and treatment of panic disorder and agoraphobia (PDA). This very readable and compact description contains every bit of information clinicians would need to know about PDA to administer these interventions, including diagnosis, assessment, and the theory and process of treatment itself, all presented in a concise, easy to understand format. A case vignette of a very typical, albeit severe, case provides an additional helpful illustration. Every clinician will want this little book on their bookshelf."]###
David H. Barlow, PhD, ABPP, Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry Emeritus, Founder, Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders at Boston University, MA

###ITALIC#TEXT["Dr. Rego’s clinical expertise shines through in the clear explanations of cognitive behavioral therapy strategies provided, making it an invaluable resource for professionals and even individuals seeking to manage their symptoms on their own."]###
William C. Sanderson, PhD, Professor of Psychology, Director, PhD Program in Clinical Psychology, Director, Anxiety & Depression Clinic, Hofstra University, NY

###ITALIC#TEXT["Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia by Dr. Simon A. Rego is a concise, practical, and complete hands-on guide to understanding and effectively treating this challenging clinical problem. The practicing clinician will find everything that they need to evaluate, diagnose, and treat patients. Written in clear prose, this will be a useful reference and guide for all clinicians."]###
Robert L. Leahy, PhD, Clinical Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry, Weill-Cornell Medical College, New York, NY

###ITALIC#TEXT["This book is an invaluable resource for clinicians new to treating these issues, for those seeking to deepen their expertise, and for supervisors and trainers guiding others."]###
Martin M. Antony, PhD, ABPP, Professor of Psychology, Toronto Metropolitan University, Author of the Shyness and Social Anxiety Workbook and The Anti-Anxiety Program

###ITALIC#TEXT["This book stands out as an exceptional resource for clinicians and students. It is unique due to its concise yet detailed structure, practical focus, and user-friendly tools."]###
Jonathan S. Abramowitz, PhD, Professor and Director of Clinical Training, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC

Ref-ID:600405_M   P-ID:600405_M

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