Generalized Anxiety Disorder

von Craig D. Marker, Alison G. Aylward

Reihe: Advances in Psychotherapy – Evidence-Based Practice - Band 24

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Generalized Anxiety Disorder
ISBN: 9780889373358
1st edition 2012, viii/84 Seiten
24,95 €
inkl. USt.

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Generalized Anxiety Disorder (PDF & EPUB)
ISBN: 9781616763350
1st edition 2012, 92 Seiten
21,99 €
inkl. USt.
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A practical book outlining a new, evidence-based treatment protocol for this debilitating and difficult-to-treat disorder

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a debilitating disorder that has often proved difficult to treat. Advances in conceptualization, diagnosis, and treatment now allow an empirically supported approach to its diagnosis and treatment. After briefly outlining theoretical models, this clear and concise book presents an integrative, up-to-date treatment protocol for GAD. Suitable both for practitioners and for students, it guides readers through assessment and differential diagnosis, etiological models such as cognitive avoidance, positive beliefs about worry, and intolerance of uncertainty, and treatment techniques. The therapeutic approach described here integrates techniques from CBT, mindfulness- and acceptance-based therapy, as well as motivational interviewing. This practical volume is rounded off by case vignettes, handouts, questionnaires, and other useful tools.

Earn 5 CE credits for reading volumes of the Advances in Psychotherapy book series. Click here to find out more!

From the Reviews:

"[W]ritten in a concise manner [does] a good job of contextualizing the material covered as a functional guidebook. The book accomplishes the goal of being easy-to-read and offers practical interventions when working with individuals who have GAD and the typical comorbidities."
Gary Kesling, Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, The University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston,TX, in Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, Vol. 46, 2012

"Overall, Generalized Anxiety Disorder is a good introduction to a complex field and can provide a helpful compass point for therapists seeking to work with GAD clients."
Melisa Robichaud in PsycCRITIQUES, Vol. 57, 2012

"Many therapists find it difficult and even demoralizing to assess and treat clients with generalized anxiety disorder. In this accessible and engaging book, Marker and Aylward break down the key elements of a successful diagnosis and treatment, so that novice and experienced professionals alike will be better prepared to take on the challenge of helping clients manage their seemingly uncontrollable worry. Guided by the latest research, this is an outstanding resource, filled with practical advice that therapists can immediately apply."
Bethany Teachman, PhD, Director of the Program for Anxiety, Cognition, and Treatment, Department of Psychology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

"This is a key manual for any clinician working with anxious patients. The concise format and up-to-date information also make it an outstanding training resource. The authors explain the diagnosis and complexities of GAD, and illustrate assessment and cognitive-behavioral treatment with great clarity and in a hands-on way that is sure to facilitate positive outcomes."
Jonathan S. Abramowitz, PhD, Professor and Associate Chair of Psychology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC

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