Hoarding Disorder
by Gregory S. Chasson, Jedidiah Siev
Series: Advances in Psychotherapy – Evidence-Based Practice - Volume 40
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2019, viii/76 pages
2019, viii/76 pages
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Hands-on, evidence-based guidance on hoarding disorder for busy professionals:
- Latest knowledge on the assessment and treatment of hoarding disorder
- How to carry out the first-line treatment – CBT for hoarding disorder
- Special sections on hoarding in older individuals and hoarding with animals
- Tips on legal and logistical problems
- Copyable tools for assessment and treatment
More about the book
Hoarding disorder, classified as one of the obsessive-compulsive and related disorders in the DSM-5, presents particular challenges in therapeutic work, including treatment ambivalence and lack of insight of those affected. This evidence-based guide written by leading experts presents the latest knowledge on assessment and treatment of hoarding disorder. The reader gains a thorough grounding in the treatment of choice for hoarding – a specific form of CBT interweaved with psychoeducational, motivational, and harm-reduction approaches to enhance treatment outcome. Rich anecdotes and clinical pearls illuminate the science, and the book also includes information for special client groups, such as older individuals and those who hoard animals. Printable handouts help busy practitioners. This book is essential reading for clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, and practitioners who work with older populations, as well as students.
From the reviews
“This is a compact, comprehensive book that has been eloquently written by experts in the field to help the reader navigate the topic of hoarding disorder. The book is laid out in an easy to read, clear, and practical format which lends itself well to being used by clinicians in their clinical practice. A strength is the bold marginal notes that appear throughout and help make key points stand out on the page [and] boxed clinical “pearls” with useful bite-sized chunks of information that can be applied in clinical practice. Hoarding disorder is a new disorder in both DSM-V and ICD-11 - I think that this book is a good guide to aid clinicians in their understanding.”
Saloni Peatfield-Bakhshi in British Journal of Psychiatry, 2020, 216(3), doi:10.1192/bjp.2020.16
"This evidence-based guide walks through the complexity of hoarding disorder and provides practical treatments and approaches to help clients. The authors cover the basic terminology, epidemiology, diagnosis, comorbidity, scale assessments, and various pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatment options, and give an unbiased and empirically supported discussion with great examples and wonderful charts. There is an excellent discussion of the various treatment modalities from individual to group to family approaches. Tools and resources that serve as printable handouts for clinicians are especially helpful. With the introduction of the DSM-5 and the use of the ICD-10, this book is undoubtedly needed. As someone who regularly teaches on hoarding behaviors and their complexity, I was especially excited for this book to be added to the field. I continue to be impressed with the content and quality of the books in this Advances in Psychotherapy series."
Nicholas Greco IV, MS, BCETS, CATSM, FAAETS, C3 Education and Research, Inc., in Doody's Reviews, 2020
"Since hoarding disorder was made a new DSM-5 diagnosis, it has attracted increased attention. In addition, pathological hoarding has increased … 4% to 5% of inhabitants of major cities. Hoarding disorder is a difficult problem to manage. The concise and well-written text by Chasson and Siev summarizes the latest knowledge on the assessment and treatment of hoarding disorder and presents the current treatment approaches. Pharmacotherapeutic trials with venlafaxine and paroxetine have been rather unsatisfactory. The authors recommend multimodal treatment, with an emphasis on modified cognitive behavior treatment. Rich anecdotes and clinical observations elucidate the recommendations, and the book also includes information for particular client groups, such as older individuals and those who hoard animals. Particularly useful are practical tools and resources provided in the appendix. This book is useful reading for clinical psychiatrists, psychotherapists, psychologists, and mental health practitioners."
Paul Grof, MD, PhD, FRCPC, Ottawa/Toronto, in Canadian Journal of Psychiatry/La Revue Canadienne de Psychiatrie, 2019, 64(7), 517
Praise for the book
"Hoarding disorder is a difficult problem to treat, yet clinicians can learn to treat it once they understand the condition and the evidence-based treatment for it. This thoughtful, concise, and well-written text presents the most current treatment approaches for this challenging condition. If you wish to help those who suffer with the debilitating problem of hoarding, get this book and learn from these experienced scientist–practitioners."
Michael A. Tompkins, PhD, ABPP, Co-Director, San Francisco Bay Area Center for Cognitive Therapy; Assistant Clinical Professor, University of California at Berkeley
"Drs. Chasson and Siev have written a delightfully concise and accurate summary of the critical features of hoarding disorder, along with models for understanding these complex symptoms and how to treat them. This quick-to-read volume is especially useful for professionals and others who respond to the needs of people with hoarding problems."
Gail Steketee, PhD, MSW, Professor, Boston University School of Social Work, Boston, MA
"This book belongs on the shelf of every mental health clinician who wants to deliver state-of-the art treatment for hoarding patients – I know I will be referring to it regularly. Chasson and Siev have compiled a succinct protocol that outlines the most critical elements of cognitive-behavioral therapy, and provide numerous extra features such as how to deal with diminished insight and motivation, working with families, and working in groups."
David F. Tolin, PhD, Director, Anxiety Disorders Center, The Institute of Living, Hartford, CT; Author of CBT for Hoarding Disorder: A Group Therapy Program and Buried in Treasures: Help for Compulsive Acquiring, Saving, and Hoarding
"Chasson and Siev have done an outstanding job summarizing what is known about the newest DSM-5 disorder. From beginning to end, their book serves as a roadmap for understanding, diagnosing, and treating hoarding disorder. It will be a useful addition to every health care professional’s library."
Randy O. Frost, PhD, Harold and Elsa Siipola Israel Professor of Psychology, Smith College, Northampton, MA; Author of Stuff: Compulsive Hoarding and the Meaning of Things
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